These hospitals doing this, and the psychologists and the schools doing this need to be sued into oblivion. This beyond horrible. Some detransitioned lawsuits have already been filed, and I very soon we will hear a large number of them. In the future no hospital will be willing to do this.

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Maybe, but that is closing the barn door after the horses have gotten out. The damage done is irreversible. In spite of the attention that has been growing recently, I have seen no estimates of the number of children and adults that have been affected. It is certain to be an unacceptable number. One destroyed life is unacceptable but, unfortunately, it will take a large number of examples the catch the attention of a large enough audience to bring about change.

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Only the people affected by something directly can take action. Those with the destroyed lives, after the SUE and bankrupt the transgender clinics, will end this as no doctor will want to risk losing lots of money and his or her license to practice medicine. You don't need any more examples. As the judges makes their decision in the next year or two, this fad will be over.

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Judges don't swing public opinion.

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They don't need to. Medical malpractice is already illegal. After lawsuits, no hospital or doctor will be allowed to do this. This isn't a matter of opinion.

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But they can certainly influence hospitals & doctors.

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Scott emailed with me a year and a half ago when I was about to go to the pediatric endocrinologist with my then 14 year old. We went, I got upset, accused the dr of violating her hippocratic oath and we left. My now 15 1/2 year old is still gender questioning but her health it intact and a lot of that was bcs of what Scott said to me. I won't forget that. God bless Scott/Kellie.

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Power to Scott! Amazing courage and work.

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And so many adults encourage this fantasy. It is becoming unbelievably absurd:


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Question: how many detransitioners' stories will it take for the make-believe experts wake up to the damage they are inducing? Answer: unforeseen. For it is very much a religion, blind to the facts, with closed minds to anything but what they are certain of.

The only way out is to start at the bottom (no pun intended) with the parents taking control of their childrens' lives from the insanity of schools and the medical community. Central control of schools, including of medical schools needs desperately to be dismantled and control be returned to parents and local government.

That will be difficult because people have long relinquished their natural rights and duties to responsibility for their children and for local government. As such, they have largely forgotten how to function as free and responsibly adults. But human nature is designed for freedom and responsibility, and with determination those lost skills will quickly recover to all who are willing.

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Bravo to Scott Newgent for her incredible courage and fighting for the well-being of our children.

Pushing transition on minors is criminal and so is confusing them about their gender and telling them that they are not already perfect as they are. We're on a dangerous path here, telling children that self-identification is everything, that you can just switch from male to female or vice versa, but that is simply not true: https://twoplustwo.substack.com/p/i-identify-therefore-i-am-the-illusion

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"Cash cow" - that is what the vulnerable poor souls are to the medical industry. Dollars for tears. The lawyers are circling and the lawsuits have started. $ started it, and $ will end it.

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Powerful and devastating testimony. Sadly I agree that the only solution is successful lawsuits.

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Love this lady's candidness and humility. Huge respect for her willingness to fight this cause of protecting kids. She's an authentic Mom ❤️

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I'm on the autism spectrum. Every day since this madness burst onto the scene I give thanks that I grew up when I did in the family that I have. As a child, I was very much a tomboy. There is a picture of me at age 7 that, if I didn't KNOW that was me, I would swear was a picture of a little boy.

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