That was very depressing. The girl was vicious and irrational and spiteful.That’s the kind of mental state that leads to stonings and denouncements and the horrors of the Cultural Revolution.
There’s no reasoning with fanatical ideology bolstered by spite. Chris was very patient. I don’t know how he does it.
She was living within her echo chamber. Personally, I think that is the bent of human nature as a whole.  Confirmation bias is not limited to any one particular worldview. 
Another data point from Razib Kahn. See "Men are stronger than women (on average)".
"To give a concrete example of how far this goes, there are many liberal Left people who won’t even accede to the proposition that men are, on average, stronger in terms of upper body strength than women. A few years ago this came up on social media, where a friend who has a biology background from an elite university, even expressed skepticism at this, when I was trying to get her to be open to behavioral differences between the sexes by starting with something I thought she would at least agree with as reasonable. When I saw the lack of unequivocal acceptance of this point I decided to opt out of the conversation. This was basically face to face with Left Creationism."
A key idea of post-modern thought is that reality does not exist. For the PoMos, 2 + 2 does not equal 4. They assert that that their is no truth, only relative power. In other words, 2 + 2 = 4 is a statement of power relations, not an objective truth. The same hold for the Earth orbiting the Sun. According to them, it is not 'true', but the dominant power asserts that it is 'true'.
According to what I have read, you are correct. The inventors of post-modernism (Derrida, Foucault) never believed a word of it. Apparently, they were hard-core Marxists for whom, post-modernism was a tool for undermining the status quo. I learned this from Francis Fukuyama. The following is a quite from Francis Fukuyama
"I decided it was total bullshit. They were espousing a kind of Nietzschean relativism that said there is no truth, there is no argument that’s superior to any other argument. Yet most of them were committed to a basically Marxist agenda. That seemed completely contradictory. If you really are a moral relativist, there is no reason why you shouldn’t affirm National Socialism or the racial superiority of Europeans, because nothing is more true than anything else. I thought it was a bankrupt way of proceeding and decided to shift gears and go into political science."
I disagree here. I think Derrida was an interesting thinker and that deconstructionism is an interesting approach to {fictional} literature. I just don't think it should be appliued in the real world.
That’s the issue at hand, right? Literary theory being applied to life because one of the precepts is that language constructs reality. CRT is an interesting legal theory, but apply intersectional power dynamics to say, a pair of 9 year old friends of different races, and you’ve got trouble.
Philip K. Dick - “Reality is that which, when you stop believing it, doesn't go away.”
Here are a few quotes from "Comparing Athletic Performances: The Best Elite Women to Boys and Men"
"Just in the single year 2017, Olympic, World, and U.S. Champion Tori Bowie's 100 meters lifetime best of 10.78 was beaten 15,000 times by men and boys. (Yes, that’s the right number of zeros.)"
"The same is true of Olympic, World, and U.S. Champion Allyson Felix’s 400 meters lifetime best of 49.26. Just in the single year 2017, men and boys around the world outperformed her more than 15,000 times."
The high school data is comparable. See "High School All-Time Top 10s — Boys".
I have encountered this absurd level of denial when talking to people about this as well. They often say, "That is not happening." When I was talking to one young man, he kept saying, "Nobody is castrating teenagers. Nobody is doing top surgery on teenagers." He told me that my fears about kids were exactly the same as what my parents were afraid of. He actually said, "Your mom probably felt like this when you got a check book!" Seriously? What would happen if they let their minds actually think and see the truth? It would hurt their world view beyond repair and that would in turn, destroy their fragile, narcissistic, and nihilistic view of life. So sad.
Condescending… lacking any sort of humility, self examination, genuine curiosity or clear point of view. That’s how I would sum up this young woman’s reaction. Her looks do not matter and I’ve seen people much older react the same so her age isn’t a factor either.
She is a very young woman. I expect the cultural milieu of her life hasn’t provided her anything that seriously challenges her beliefs.  I trust that someone as intelligent and engaged as she is will eventually recognize the broader picture. 
Should have pursued Blondie's "but it's expensive" argument. Rather obviously, there's money to be made from sterilizing suggestible kids. LOTS of money.
This was so painful. The young woman cannot entertain the possibility that she's one of the bad guys and holds mere luxury beliefs that nevertheless lead to evil visited upon the innocent. Her only defense is sarcasm, denial, and deflection when patiently presented with facts and an intelligent, compassionate, unprogrammed perspective.
Despite the ugly attire, she is also very pretty and super feminine with a great, flattering haircut.
Agreed, I love short hair! But yes, she's shrill and unpleasant. She's also evidently one of these people who likes to *define* herself as something interesting ("I'm autistic!"), rather than *doing* something interesting. Yawn.
(The sandwich board guy comes across as super straight. Exactly the sort to provoke wokels.)
Take a look at "Sex is a spectrum" over at West Hunter. The following quote is from "Spencer".
"Lol. I introduce students every semester to various non-overlapping or barley overlapping graphs by sex. Every year their jaws drop further. Twenty years ago barely an eyebrow was raised."
I mean, honestly? Good on her for being willing to engage as an adult and not a shrieking toddler. Puts her head and shoulders above most individuals occupying that ideological space.
I’m surprised by the criticisms of Billboard Chris’s manner or approach. He’s a “punching bag”? Or: “He batted zero in the above video”? What strange and curious things to write.
People with the level of courage and commitment to repeatedly risk life and limb on behalf of minors unable or unequipped to defend themselves aren’t doing it to win arguments. That’s more the preserve of anonymous keyboard warriors. Billboard Chris is working to change the actual futures of countless children who might otherwise enter adult life sterilized, mutilated and sick. It’s not some mixed up, ill informed quasi-adolescent tourist on the Washington Mall he needs to convince but the great indifferent mass of ordinary people who have no real idea how bad things have gotten. The ones who mostly stood and listened. This exchange was for them. Does any serious person think the young woman’s terrified and disingenuous “arguments” were convincing to anyone who hasn’t already become ideologically possessed? And further: if - maybe late one night alone in her apartment without a chorus of friends to enforce the thought rules - if the young woman dares to think for herself just a little bit then Chris’s exposition - calm, respectful, compassionate even - just might reach her too.
I wish my own debates were as conscientious, informed and gracious as his.
As an addendum to my earlier comment, I would also point out that the man has courage but is not the best debater either. Perhaps he should have more info at his fingertips in the form of a handout perhaps. I read about him when he first began his campaign and I would like to know if there is any data on his success rate. He batted zero in the above video, however.
How depressing. In the past fewer people were educated. They were only capable of critical thinking if they were taught to think critically and even critical thinking is not possible in the face of dogmatism, ideology, ignorance, and bias. Today, more people are educated but it seems as in the past few people actually learn anything. Again, few people can think critically. She is young enough to have been raised by computer. The tech men have a lot to answer for. So do the religionists and the school systems. She has never been taught how to debate, never taken a logic course, never taught to actually study an issue first before adopting on the fly beliefs by hearsay or because of gut feeling. There is no hope for her. She thinks she has nothing to learn. She's learned nothing from the women's movement. It would be interesting to test her on her knowledge of American history, or world history. This ideology has taught me how susceptible our species is to manipulation without the slightest understanding that that manipulation is occurring. Also that misogyny and homophobia are so prevalent that the world lays out the red carpet for men's sexual rights to do whatever they damn please no matter who gets hurt. Tragic.
The end was a downer: declaring yourself a good-natured punching bag does nothing to expose the egocentric power-hungry evil underlying the narrative.
A few years from now, when class-action suits from unhappy transitioners starts rolling in, they will shamelessly pivot to declare their unconditional support, whilst blaming hapless conservatives for their very own crimes. Will this guy still be shrugging?
That was very depressing. The girl was vicious and irrational and spiteful.That’s the kind of mental state that leads to stonings and denouncements and the horrors of the Cultural Revolution.
There’s no reasoning with fanatical ideology bolstered by spite. Chris was very patient. I don’t know how he does it.
She was living within her echo chamber. Personally, I think that is the bent of human nature as a whole.  Confirmation bias is not limited to any one particular worldview. 
Another data point from Razib Kahn. See "Men are stronger than women (on average)".
"To give a concrete example of how far this goes, there are many liberal Left people who won’t even accede to the proposition that men are, on average, stronger in terms of upper body strength than women. A few years ago this came up on social media, where a friend who has a biology background from an elite university, even expressed skepticism at this, when I was trying to get her to be open to behavioral differences between the sexes by starting with something I thought she would at least agree with as reasonable. When I saw the lack of unequivocal acceptance of this point I decided to opt out of the conversation. This was basically face to face with Left Creationism."
Yes. It's an absolute denial of evolutionary theory. And more: objective reality itself is being rejected.
A key idea of post-modern thought is that reality does not exist. For the PoMos, 2 + 2 does not equal 4. They assert that that their is no truth, only relative power. In other words, 2 + 2 = 4 is a statement of power relations, not an objective truth. The same hold for the Earth orbiting the Sun. According to them, it is not 'true', but the dominant power asserts that it is 'true'.
Seems like a self-reinforcing lie that one might tell themselves and others if they wanted power.
According to what I have read, you are correct. The inventors of post-modernism (Derrida, Foucault) never believed a word of it. Apparently, they were hard-core Marxists for whom, post-modernism was a tool for undermining the status quo. I learned this from Francis Fukuyama. The following is a quite from Francis Fukuyama
"I decided it was total bullshit. They were espousing a kind of Nietzschean relativism that said there is no truth, there is no argument that’s superior to any other argument. Yet most of them were committed to a basically Marxist agenda. That seemed completely contradictory. If you really are a moral relativist, there is no reason why you shouldn’t affirm National Socialism or the racial superiority of Europeans, because nothing is more true than anything else. I thought it was a bankrupt way of proceeding and decided to shift gears and go into political science."
I disagree here. I think Derrida was an interesting thinker and that deconstructionism is an interesting approach to {fictional} literature. I just don't think it should be appliued in the real world.
That’s the issue at hand, right? Literary theory being applied to life because one of the precepts is that language constructs reality. CRT is an interesting legal theory, but apply intersectional power dynamics to say, a pair of 9 year old friends of different races, and you’ve got trouble.
Philip K. Dick - “Reality is that which, when you stop believing it, doesn't go away.”
Here are a few quotes from "Comparing Athletic Performances: The Best Elite Women to Boys and Men"
"Just in the single year 2017, Olympic, World, and U.S. Champion Tori Bowie's 100 meters lifetime best of 10.78 was beaten 15,000 times by men and boys. (Yes, that’s the right number of zeros.)"
"The same is true of Olympic, World, and U.S. Champion Allyson Felix’s 400 meters lifetime best of 49.26. Just in the single year 2017, men and boys around the world outperformed her more than 15,000 times."
The high school data is comparable. See "High School All-Time Top 10s — Boys".
I have encountered this absurd level of denial when talking to people about this as well. They often say, "That is not happening." When I was talking to one young man, he kept saying, "Nobody is castrating teenagers. Nobody is doing top surgery on teenagers." He told me that my fears about kids were exactly the same as what my parents were afraid of. He actually said, "Your mom probably felt like this when you got a check book!" Seriously? What would happen if they let their minds actually think and see the truth? It would hurt their world view beyond repair and that would in turn, destroy their fragile, narcissistic, and nihilistic view of life. So sad.
So she mixes arrogance with ignorance. Charming!
Condescending… lacking any sort of humility, self examination, genuine curiosity or clear point of view. That’s how I would sum up this young woman’s reaction. Her looks do not matter and I’ve seen people much older react the same so her age isn’t a factor either.
She is a very young woman. I expect the cultural milieu of her life hasn’t provided her anything that seriously challenges her beliefs.  I trust that someone as intelligent and engaged as she is will eventually recognize the broader picture. 
Omg this is so painful to watch. She is so willfully blind.
Should have pursued Blondie's "but it's expensive" argument. Rather obviously, there's money to be made from sterilizing suggestible kids. LOTS of money.
This was so painful. The young woman cannot entertain the possibility that she's one of the bad guys and holds mere luxury beliefs that nevertheless lead to evil visited upon the innocent. Her only defense is sarcasm, denial, and deflection when patiently presented with facts and an intelligent, compassionate, unprogrammed perspective.
Despite the ugly attire, she is also very pretty and super feminine with a great, flattering haircut.
Agreed, I love short hair! But yes, she's shrill and unpleasant. She's also evidently one of these people who likes to *define* herself as something interesting ("I'm autistic!"), rather than *doing* something interesting. Yawn.
(The sandwich board guy comes across as super straight. Exactly the sort to provoke wokels.)
Take a look at "Sex is a spectrum" over at West Hunter. The following quote is from "Spencer".
"Lol. I introduce students every semester to various non-overlapping or barley overlapping graphs by sex. Every year their jaws drop further. Twenty years ago barely an eyebrow was raised."
I wish this video had more than 1.4k views on YouTube.
I mean, honestly? Good on her for being willing to engage as an adult and not a shrieking toddler. Puts her head and shoulders above most individuals occupying that ideological space.
Her engagement, such as it was, *barely* rose above the level of a shrieking toddler.
Baby steps.
If you're in DC can your fans meet you?
I’m surprised by the criticisms of Billboard Chris’s manner or approach. He’s a “punching bag”? Or: “He batted zero in the above video”? What strange and curious things to write.
People with the level of courage and commitment to repeatedly risk life and limb on behalf of minors unable or unequipped to defend themselves aren’t doing it to win arguments. That’s more the preserve of anonymous keyboard warriors. Billboard Chris is working to change the actual futures of countless children who might otherwise enter adult life sterilized, mutilated and sick. It’s not some mixed up, ill informed quasi-adolescent tourist on the Washington Mall he needs to convince but the great indifferent mass of ordinary people who have no real idea how bad things have gotten. The ones who mostly stood and listened. This exchange was for them. Does any serious person think the young woman’s terrified and disingenuous “arguments” were convincing to anyone who hasn’t already become ideologically possessed? And further: if - maybe late one night alone in her apartment without a chorus of friends to enforce the thought rules - if the young woman dares to think for herself just a little bit then Chris’s exposition - calm, respectful, compassionate even - just might reach her too.
I wish my own debates were as conscientious, informed and gracious as his.
As an addendum to my earlier comment, I would also point out that the man has courage but is not the best debater either. Perhaps he should have more info at his fingertips in the form of a handout perhaps. I read about him when he first began his campaign and I would like to know if there is any data on his success rate. He batted zero in the above video, however.
How depressing. In the past fewer people were educated. They were only capable of critical thinking if they were taught to think critically and even critical thinking is not possible in the face of dogmatism, ideology, ignorance, and bias. Today, more people are educated but it seems as in the past few people actually learn anything. Again, few people can think critically. She is young enough to have been raised by computer. The tech men have a lot to answer for. So do the religionists and the school systems. She has never been taught how to debate, never taken a logic course, never taught to actually study an issue first before adopting on the fly beliefs by hearsay or because of gut feeling. There is no hope for her. She thinks she has nothing to learn. She's learned nothing from the women's movement. It would be interesting to test her on her knowledge of American history, or world history. This ideology has taught me how susceptible our species is to manipulation without the slightest understanding that that manipulation is occurring. Also that misogyny and homophobia are so prevalent that the world lays out the red carpet for men's sexual rights to do whatever they damn please no matter who gets hurt. Tragic.
The end was a downer: declaring yourself a good-natured punching bag does nothing to expose the egocentric power-hungry evil underlying the narrative.
A few years from now, when class-action suits from unhappy transitioners starts rolling in, they will shamelessly pivot to declare their unconditional support, whilst blaming hapless conservatives for their very own crimes. Will this guy still be shrugging?