Chris had a memorable exchange at the Lincoln Memorial with a young woman who was hostile to his message but willing to engage with him on it.
During the time I spent with Chris on the streets of Washington, DC, his claim about the reception he gets was richly confirmed: easily a 9 to 1 ratio of favorable to unfavorable comments. “Amen, brother,” and the like.
I saw another of his claims also richly confirmed — the sole subpopulation that reliably met him with vituperation and insults were drawn from the group mostly strongly invested in gender ideology: women under the age of 25.
The exchange was a paradigmatic instance of a Twitter exchange brought to life, including in the interruption that closes it, which is not to be missed.
That was very depressing. The girl was vicious and irrational and spiteful.That’s the kind of mental state that leads to stonings and denouncements and the horrors of the Cultural Revolution.
There’s no reasoning with fanatical ideology bolstered by spite. Chris was very patient. I don’t know how he does it.
Another data point from Razib Kahn. See "Men are stronger than women (on average)".
"To give a concrete example of how far this goes, there are many liberal Left people who won’t even accede to the proposition that men are, on average, stronger in terms of upper body strength than women. A few years ago this came up on social media, where a friend who has a biology background from an elite university, even expressed skepticism at this, when I was trying to get her to be open to behavioral differences between the sexes by starting with something I thought she would at least agree with as reasonable. When I saw the lack of unequivocal acceptance of this point I decided to opt out of the conversation. This was basically face to face with Left Creationism."