So I just noticed this post (8/5).. listened to first few chapters and I'm in. Wesley, have you decided the timeframe and structure? curious if its one meeting per book, or a certain number of chapters by such and such a date?
This is a good idea, and I was always bummed that the syllabus series didn't have more episodes dedicated to it. I still go back and re-listen to those eps.
I would be really interested in this. I grew up in a "white flight" suburb of Boston and heard all about this my whole life from my parents/uncles that grew up in the city. This genre is also my bread and butter. I'm currently reading Nicolas LeMann's The Promised Land and The Unheavenly City by Edward Banfield which both have a lot of crossover here and different perspectives.
Queer people don’t use Islam as a counter to Christianity, because it’s cultural appropriation. They substitute Judaism with Islam because it is seen as powerful and white. I personally know at least two people who have converted. But the popular line is the identity itself is a substitute for religion. Not necessarily true, though the two go together. Chapter Two.
“There is nothing you can do. Right now it’s not even safe for you to be here. Right now the only thing you can do is leave us alone and let us get our act together.”
The nonbinary model of medicine fundamentally opposes this view and is therefore a product of cis privilege and any blame for mutilating kids, destroying women’s sports, and putting rapists in prisons belongs at the feet of this cultural institution and not the “trans community” if there even is such a thing. Trans people supported the nonbinary affirmation model from a misguided attempt at equality blinded by personal bias. This was a mistake. It was a mistake I was capable of making. This is just cis people creating a ghetto. Chapter one.
Perhaps calling it a mistake is too lenient, but I’m not the parent of those kids, even if cis authority is designed to make me feel responsible. I can think this is evil without showing my hand.
I’d do it...but then there making sure I read the damn book...and it’s not my usual genre...we’ll see...does look interesting...have never heard of it before so now I’m curious. More of this and I might consider renewing my subscription.
I could be very interested, but would curious if I could keep my camera off to protect my anonymity. My superiors may not approve of my participation....
What happened with this?
So I just noticed this post (8/5).. listened to first few chapters and I'm in. Wesley, have you decided the timeframe and structure? curious if its one meeting per book, or a certain number of chapters by such and such a date?
This is a good idea, and I was always bummed that the syllabus series didn't have more episodes dedicated to it. I still go back and re-listen to those eps.
I would be really interested in this. I grew up in a "white flight" suburb of Boston and heard all about this my whole life from my parents/uncles that grew up in the city. This genre is also my bread and butter. I'm currently reading Nicolas LeMann's The Promised Land and The Unheavenly City by Edward Banfield which both have a lot of crossover here and different perspectives.
Queer people don’t use Islam as a counter to Christianity, because it’s cultural appropriation. They substitute Judaism with Islam because it is seen as powerful and white. I personally know at least two people who have converted. But the popular line is the identity itself is a substitute for religion. Not necessarily true, though the two go together. Chapter Two.
“There is nothing you can do. Right now it’s not even safe for you to be here. Right now the only thing you can do is leave us alone and let us get our act together.”
The nonbinary model of medicine fundamentally opposes this view and is therefore a product of cis privilege and any blame for mutilating kids, destroying women’s sports, and putting rapists in prisons belongs at the feet of this cultural institution and not the “trans community” if there even is such a thing. Trans people supported the nonbinary affirmation model from a misguided attempt at equality blinded by personal bias. This was a mistake. It was a mistake I was capable of making. This is just cis people creating a ghetto. Chapter one.
Perhaps calling it a mistake is too lenient, but I’m not the parent of those kids, even if cis authority is designed to make me feel responsible. I can think this is evil without showing my hand.
I’d do it...but then there making sure I read the damn book...and it’s not my usual genre...we’ll see...does look interesting...have never heard of it before so now I’m curious. More of this and I might consider renewing my subscription.
Eh...audiobook was free from a subscription...we’ll see...
I could be very interested, but would curious if I could keep my camera off to protect my anonymity. My superiors may not approve of my participation....