"Did you participate in the propagation of corrupted science in support of this contagion? Did you celebrate the importation of bizarre experimental practices from the outer fringes of human extremity into the spaces of ordinary bourgeois domesticity? Did you allow yourself to be complicit in harming children while earnestly believing yourself to be a hero and a savior?"

The answers is yes for too many people. Name, shame, and punish all who have harmed children: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-do-no-harm-part-2

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Thank you for this writing from your heart. It deeply grieves me that children are being harmed by adults they trust.

"No child is trans as this is a fiction created by a fusion of mental health conditions and capitalism, which has no problems coining a considerable profit, regardless of real-world consequences." https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/mass-hysteria-and-moral-panic

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In a world where the elite “brilliant fools” are advocating for a nearly endless number of insane progressive/woke ideologies, (censorship, climate panic, open borders, defunding police, etc.) none can compare to the dystopia of the Trans movement. The insanity is multi-pronged, including: 1. Allowing children in mental/emotional distress to determine their sexual and/or gender identity and 2. To advocate the conceit that biological gender is a fiction and 3. Allowing children with no physical ailments to undergo irreversible medical procedures and 4. Criminalizing medical professionals and/or parents who want to intervene in this insanity. The good news, for those who have not already been irreversibly injured, is that the insanity is so great it cannot survive. And, when sanity does return, the endless number of progressive radicals who created and carried out this insane movement (and the liberal cowards who enabled them), need to face a long and severe period of humiliation and consequence. They will all want to “just move on”, which we must refuse to accommodate - the shame and tangible harm they have produced must be returned, in equal quantity.

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Amazing work ... I shake my head as to “how did we even get here” -- and worry about what is next ...

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Again, I believe in Stella and Sasha. They are not miracle workers, but they have real qualifications and are practising therapists with real patients.

I think there are so many kids and so many families going through this in different degrees now that there are parents whose kids desist at the drop of a hat. And others who are hanging on for dear life.

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"And others who are hanging on for dear life."

Kids? Parents? Probably applies to both, one way or another. But as a fellow Canuck, you might have some interest in, may have even seen this CBC story from September of last year:

"New Netflix documentary follows life of Australian trans teen who challenged laws to affirm gender."


You might be interested in this conversation I'm having with "Hippiesq", the mother of a teenage dysphoric daughter, who had mentioned that documentary and had this to say about it:

Hippiesq: "There is a heartbreaking scene where he [Georgie] cries before he has a vaginoplasty, saying he doesn't want to be trans, but he is, and 'I know who I am' and where he says he doesn't really want to have the surgery, but he has to in order to get the body he wants, and you can just see the struggle for the 17-year-old who has been living a lie since he was a small boy that he is really a girl. ...."


Seems an "interesting" story, though not too impressed with either Georgie or CBC in referring to him as a woman. As Wesley and Jenny both suggest, there should be hell to pay for the "cult of medicalized self-harm", and giving any sort of credence to the view Georgie ever qualified as a girl or a woman is prima facie evidence, is part and parcel of that "crime".

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When this is all over .......... my family will still be in tatters. My granddaughter, age 15, determined herself to be what is now known as binary, in 2016. She discussed with her school first and parents later, grandparents even later. Her school allowed to to be called Lime (no, I'm not kidding). Her father refused to call her by that name, but my daughter was all aboard! Her parents (divorced) sent her to a therapist, that's when stuff really hit the fan. Her therapist said she finally remembered an incident from 2007 that occurred which rendered her so imbalanced that she denounces her gender. She said she was touched inappropriately by her great-grandfather, at the time age 76. I was never given any details - even when the police investigated my parents - at to what exactly she accused him of. From that time forward, all contact with my parents was severed with my daughter and her grandchildren. The entire family was split between who continued to see my parents. To make a long story shorter, my granddaughter, within a year, has come out as gay, thankfully didn't continue with her desire to transition (thanks to my ex-son-in-law) and goes by her middle name now. Family is still torn, even though it is obvious that the so called therapist pushed this narrative on her, and tore my family apart forever. I hope no more families have to go through this.

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If this was a confluence of gender dysphoria and recovered memory, that therapist really outdid herself. I’m so sorry something like this can happen.

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"My granddaughter, age 15, determined herself to be what is now known as binary,"

--- I think you mean "non-binary". Anyway, what did the police uncover when they investigated the great-grandfather? In listening to interviews by Trans and Detrans people, unwanted and traumatizing sexual violation is sometimes seen to be a contributing factor.

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The investigation got nowhere. police interviewed my parents, but the granddaughter didn't want to speak to them, and wouldn't give any further "description" of the alleged "touching inappropriately". As you can probable tell, I do not believe this ever occurred (no other inappropriateness in 76 years on this planet), or was sooooo spun out of context by the "therapist". She, like you stated , was going for the trifecta, trans, sexual abuse and gay. All that she accomplished was ripping a family apart.

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This is a wonderful review- written by a person who really understands what many families are going through-- of a book written by three professional people who are experienced, courageous and clear-eyed about this topic. Lucky me, I found all three of the authors online, in 2020. And I have relied on their expertise and depth of knowledge about transitioning kids, ever since. Thanks for the review!

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Having listened to a number of Trans and Detrans interviews of young people a common theme that pops up is kids being told "you're not a real girl/boy" if you like/do such and such activity. While girls clothing has wider range a boy who likes to experiment with a broader diversity of clothing choices is told he's not a "real boy" if he does so. So then he thinks, "hmm, maybe they're right" and BOOM a transgirl is born. If society wants to stop this then we have to stop telling kids that they are not "real boys" or "real girls" if they do x, y, z.

Also, don't get too antsy by the supposedly high stats of school kids "identifying" as somewhere on the LGBTQ+ spectrum. It doesn't mean the majority of them are going to ask for cross-sex hormones. It simply means they don't identify with gendered stereotypes. Perhaps they may call themselves "non-binary" for a while. Big deal. It may even mean they identify as "ace" (asexual), in which case parents should thank their lucky stars.

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I have a non-binary "queer" (I hate using that word!) and you are correct that many don't want surgeries or hormones, BUT, they are very difficult to deal with and are emotionally volatile. The pronoun policing and strangeness in general don't make for happy living environments for family (estrangement in my household....which is a relief, sad to say). And yes, some NBs consider themselves under the "trans" umbrella.

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Teenagers and young adults in their early to mid 20s (extended adolescence) are often difficult and emotionally volatile anyway (in certain countries/cultures). The human brain isn't even fully developed until around 25. I think the hysteria over this issue is what's pushing a lot of young people to go full straight ahead into hormones and later, surgery. If society became ok, and I mean REALLY OK, with boys and men dressing anyway they want and pursuing stereotypically "feminine" traits and interests, we'd see a lot less of the hormone taking and surgery. Same for girls and women. Is it just me or does it seem that old fashioned and outdated "gender roles" have made a comeback in recent years? There seems to be a lot of "femininity coaches" and "masculinity coaches" online. When and why did this happen? I think some (probably a lot) of the trans stuff amongst young people online is a REACTION to that.

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absolutely brilliant review. I'm working up the courage to share with my tiny circle of still friends, understand I might lose them all.

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Thank you!

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Just fyi - there’s a small typo in the title, “What did * you during the transgender...” *do.

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Just now finding this post and WESLEY YANG!! Thanks you so much to you both!!!!!!

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Great article and looking forward to the book.

I published this yesterday on ROGD with a reference to this stack, that you might be interested in


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Dear Wesley, what is "material reality"?

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The phrase "bourgeois domesticity" is rather revealing. While I do not subscribe to the notion that every social pathology is due to the historical Bourgeoisie (contra "Bourgeois influences on Anarchism" et alia), it is striking that the "middle class" (real and aspiring, albeit petit bourgeoisie in that terminology, albeit probably what the writer had in mind with the phrase 'bourgeois domesticity'---like the aristocrats, the non-petit bourgeoisie were notorious for sleeping around---Foucalt the pervert correctly recognized his own---the working poor were to be either celibate or in highly procreative marriages, but quod licet iovi non licet bovi) was the institutional vehicle of the spread of trans, as was much of the recent "new left."

The de facto cultural conservatism of most blue collar and trades people, whether they consider themselves to be right wing or left wing, is well known.

And the notion that trans was the big exception to general free flow of ideas and judicial weighing of facts, is risible. One need only look at the coverage of e.g. Rwanda (the Dallaire genocide fax, anyone? Recall that it was debunked in the military II trial by the defence of Ndindiliyimana as a hoax, consisting of a modification of a real document, sent from a British military base to UN headquarters in 1995---the prosecutor had fraudulently removed the annotations from the original in UN headquarters) to see that the rot runs deep.

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