Follow the money!!!are you that naive that you actually think it's a bunch of wokesters, pathtic haven't-made-tenure professors and creepy nonprofits. These are merely the stooges. Read Jennifer Bilek, among others, who detail the interests of medical technology companies and billionaires like Jon Stryker and transperson Jennifer Pritzker. Do a little research into the ways in which trangenderism is a wedge intotranshumanism. Like most of what is going on today if you frame gender identity ideology grubby partisan you are missing the point by a mile or two. See where gender identity ideology fits into larger agenda being promulgated by the sociopathic eugenicist Davos/WEF/WHO/Gates/Soros crime syndicate.




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I'm aware of these claims and there is something to them. Transgenderism was nonetheless overwhelmingly a peer-to-peer youth phenomenon that then entrenched itself institutionally through activist unior staffers, with a major assist, to be sure, of the donor class, some of whose members indulge various eccentric visions of the future through transgenderism.

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Gender identity ideology did not start as a peer- to-peer phenomenon. The kids (overwhelmingly young girls as Abigail Shier, among others, points out) were not the instigators of a multibillionaire dollar industry, i.e., not only sex reassignment surgery but a lifetime of hormones and associated pharmaceuticals.

Where better to start the oligarchs drive for a technocratic transhumanism than attempting to convince society's most credulous and least skilled critical thinkers and those most amenable to peer pressure (i.e., teenagers and woke leftists) that the most fundamental biological fact of dimorphism is, in fact, not a fact. If you doubt that transhumanism is a central agenda item of the Davos crowd, just listen to WEF Golden Boy Yuval Harari, among others, celebrating the notion that we are perhaps the last generation of homo sapiens and that humans are, in fact, (ah, yes, another fact we are not only supposed to believe but rejoice in) becoming 'gods'.

If you want to take a deeper look at just how long this eugenics agenda has been operative

among the elite I suggest you read Matthew Ehret's recent essay "The Revenge of the Malthusians and the Science of Limits". https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/06/investigative-reports/the-revenge-of-the-malthusians-and-the-science-of-limits/

The other dead giveaway that gender identity ideology is part of a larger agenda is the swiftness, intensity and frequency of violence that has been directed, for years, against women (and a few men and trans people) who have spoken up about and been critical of gender identity ideology - physical assaults, death threats, deplatforming, loss of employment, police harassment, doxxing, censorship, professors who have to be given bodyguards to teach their classes, lectures cancelled amidst fears for the safety of the trans critic and on and on. Take a look at https://terfisaslur.com/ - a site which documents the abuse and misogyny of gender identity ideologues. Or talk with people like journalist Katie Herzog or youtuber Arielle Scarcella.

You also might want to look at some of the nonprofits like Human Rights Watch that didn't have much to do once gay marriage was made legal. Swift pivot to trans issues - lots of money available to ngos that wanted to stay 'in business'. The ACLU is another organization worthy of scrutiny in this regard.

To believe that gender identity ideology is the project of a bunch of kids and a couple of rich eccentrics is to be naive to the huge economic and political interests of the uber -rich in this arena. Or perhaps, understandably, you’d prefer to avoid the fear and horror which would arise when contemplating the reality that some of the richest and most powerful people in the world view you as a useless eater with no more claim to life than an ant at a Fourth of July picnic.

I have a very extensive bibliography if you are interested in more specific documentation.

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This is pure verbal, intellectual gold, that you're putting out here. Please keep up the good work.

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