All the talk near the end, about possible fixes, ignores the easiest and most obvious: bring back the filibuster for judicial nominees, which would force appointments toward a more moderate and less politically extreme place.
The “recognition” by such as Tribe, that there was another side to the super power of judicial review, is nothing more than restating Erdogan’s comparison of democracy to a streetcar: you take it until you get where you want to go and then you get off.
Nothing sincere before or after. Tribe in particular has never showed evidence of a sincere bone in his body, except power for Lawrence .Tribe.
All the talk near the end, about possible fixes, ignores the easiest and most obvious: bring back the filibuster for judicial nominees, which would force appointments toward a more moderate and less politically extreme place.
Very useful historic review. As to proposed limits on judicial review, I worry about eroding protection of minority rights -- for all minorities.
One complaint. I wish the interviewer wouldn't giggle while the interviewee is talking. I find it very distracting.
The “recognition” by such as Tribe, that there was another side to the super power of judicial review, is nothing more than restating Erdogan’s comparison of democracy to a streetcar: you take it until you get where you want to go and then you get off.
Nothing sincere before or after. Tribe in particular has never showed evidence of a sincere bone in his body, except power for Lawrence .Tribe.