Is there a word for a deranged scientist who cuts off a mentally ill man’s testicles for money and comically pretends he’s doing a noble act?

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'So I kind of deduced that he, kind of, fell into this population.' Magnificent. Once again, Wesley has done the world a great service. It's such outrageous vicious nonsense that even the most lumpen of midwits will have to pause. If being a eunuch is an inner gender identity, why go under the knife? But then , how could a eunuch have testicles? The whole point of being a eunuch is that you don't experience testicular testosterone. Progressive mums might get excited about their kids having imaginary sex changes, but they won't like this. Who wants to cut Johnny's balls off, without even a frilly dress in sight? Yet the logic is the same. The ideology absolutely unravels at this point.

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The Chinese know what this was done for. A sign of the conquered. If one removes testicular testosterone, they remove retaliative aggression, but also the neuroprotective effect through synthesized estrogen, succumbing to madness and excessive provocation. Offence becomes the best defense against being conquered.

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I couldn't even get through half of this. It's absolutely nauseating. And I 100% do not believe that oh so many boys have been threatened with actual castration. This is vile.

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And if they had, we would say these are traumatized people who grew up with serious abuse. They need psychiatric help, not castration.

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Eunuch isn't a gender.

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They aren’t hiding it anymore. Our betters are leading us back to the dark ages.

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Ok so this guy is crazy. What may be even crazier is the people sitting there seeming to, more or less, agree with him. This guy is a total weirdo who seems to want to cut his wang off so he's attempted to create a noble, academia-born vision of why this is normal and good, and people are going along with it as if he's sane. We're talking about cutting dudes' members off for no apparent reason. He even says (paraphrase) "many of these men were threatened with castration when they were young....anyway we should probably chop their dongs off." Really? You don't think they need, ohhh I don't know, intense mental and emotional counseling? Just sheer insanity.

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Counselling is called conversion therapy now.

A few months ago all the ads on my teens YouTube were advocating for teens to rise up against conversion therapy (EU country)

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Well, this feels right out of That Hideous Strength. Notable that both stories the speaker tells do *not* include the patient self-ID-ing as a eunuch. The doctor *intuits* that for them and steers them to treatment.

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Which strongly reminds me of this exchange from the Big Short.

“I don’t get it, why are they confessing?”

“They’re not confessing. They’re boasting.”

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The icing on the cake for me is the one speaker who pushed back at all (speaker 3), who was completely ignored. I genuinely can't believe this is real.

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Ya but even she just said "don't call it castration," she didn't seem to actually be against it.

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You're right. I guess I just meant to point out that ANY pushback at all was ignored, even if it was related to form more than content.

This seems similar to the responses I've heard from some far lefties when I argue (off campus usually) that there is a problem with academic freedom in the academy. They simply deny it and say that people are perfectly free to speak their minds. But when pressed, this "freedom" is seen to be confined to a narrow range of perspectives. For example, one can debate strategies for recruiting more people of color, but one can't really debate the principle itself, let alone argue for the importance of viewpoint diversity.

Going back to my original point, though, the situation I just outlined is still better than what we heard in the video, which is very, very distressing and depressing.

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This is about as much "healthcare" as abortion.

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Just spit out my coffee reading this.

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Read this thread. How the puberty blockers "science" came about. https://twitter.com/TwisterFilm/status/1573125582619086848

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This is a fascinating read. It seems there's a confluence of several threads in this movement, sadomasochism, pedophilia, fetishism, political/social power, and "Body Integrity Identity Disorder." In any particular case, any subset of these interact in complex ways. This is the same in all human behaviors. From my point of view, the worst part is that this is being normalized through the efforts of people who have clear psychosocial and psychological personal agendas... none of which are good. Of course, the reality of it all is that you can surgically alter your body in any way that you want but you are still you. You just can't get away from yourself.

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Can hardly believe what I'm reading. And if I understand from the work of Genevieve Gluck, one of these freaks (not cited in this post) was/is associated with Univ of British Columbia (UBC) here in Vancouver (Canada).

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If an adult wants to have their reproductive organs altered or removed, have at it. It's absolutely no one's business but their own.

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As long as they pay out of pocket

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Yeah. No need for society to bear the financial burden for this... WhatEVER You wanna call it, right?

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What about an arm or a leg or an eye? Just tell the doctor what you want, it's your body?

That's not how it should work. A doctor's job is healing a sick body, not making a healthy body un-whole.

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Right. Why limit it to genitalia? Maybe they hate their feet, or nose, or ears. Yeet it all! This is actually making me not want to live anymore, at least not in the insane US.

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I agree. I have no problem with adults modifying their bodies in any way they wish. It's not something I would do, but if you want to remove your nose, go for it.

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Adults should be allowed to modify their body in any fashion they wish.

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True to an extent. But, as another example of society's psychoticism, I don't have a problem with society looking on this "advance" negatively.

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So many contradictions.

Johnson says most of these men come from rural backgrounds and have seen or participated in animal castrations. Then he says they have above average educational attainment. Hmmmm...

Johnson also says that all these men know what castration is. They've seen it performed, seen its effects, and know they want it. Then Irwig brags about how one of two men whom he castrated hadn't ever thought about castration. He, Irwig, intuited that that was exactly what this 19-year-old needed! I hope this kid speaks up about how that worked out for him.

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Mr Johnson seems to really love pedalling a “romantic” myth about “those who identify as eunuchs”.

So objective.

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