I don't have the patience to try to track down the opinions in the recent court decisions, much less read them. What the news accounts do show is how politically shrewd it was for the radical trans ideologues to secure the official position statements from the AMA, the APA, and other medical societies. As could be predicted, the courts are treating them as virtually conclusive when the expert witnesses cite them to support the opinions they express in court.

Several features of these cases show the abysmal inadequacy of the judicial system to deal with the issues, at least from what I have seen.

1. None of the cases gives any attention to the obvious implications of the abrupt about face by the European countries.

2. None has examined the plaintiffs' clinical studies critically, particularly as to number of study subjects, length of follow-up or rates of study dropouts, or statistical significance of the conclusions.

3. All of the cases mention the supposed incidence of suicide and claims of improvement without dealing with the role of the common comorbidities, especially depression and cutting and eating disorders, nor with the indications any benefit is often temporary.

4. Nowhere have i seen any real discussion of the unbelievable, meteoric increase in the number of minors presenting as "gender dysphoria". We've long known of the tiny number of really troubling cases, much less than one percent, the preschoolers, mostly boys, who persistently insist that they "really" are or want to be girls. Human psychology changes slowly if at all, so why on earth are we seeing hundreds-fold increases in case numbers from older kids, mostly girls, who've never expressed anything suggesting GD? It cries out for a better explanation than the gnostic myth that the kids were really trans all along, just afraid to say anything.

We should all be deeply worried. We've seen plenty of instances where the consensus of expert medical opinion was tragically wrong. I'm surely not the only one who remembers Thalidomide.

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When does this shit stop when does this shit stop when does this shit stop when does this shit stop

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Any thoughts on this:

"Arkansas Trans Ban Unconstitutional: Judge Declares 311 Statements Of Fact In Ruling

Over 311 statements of fact were established in the Arkansas gender affirming care ban case. Not a single fact was found in the state's favor, and several major talking points were debunked."


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Judges are midwits and will repeat activist copypasta in their decisions

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Wesley, any thoughts on the recents court rulings overturning 3 states' restrictions on pediatric gender/sex interventions?

Also, wanted to share this with readers:

BTW, Kelley Robinson, who has the exchange with Senator Kennedy, is the head of the Human Rights Campaign.


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I regret ever sending any money to HRC. Like so many other organizations once part of the campaign for gay equality, they've become collaborators with the radical trans ideologues. How they have managed to shut their eyes to the obvious homophobic elements of that thinking and enlist in the "We'll trans away the gay" movement is beyond me. I can only surmise the money is drying up because of the extraordinary advances for gay and lesbian people. Just as March of Dimes had to switch to birth defects once the Salk and Sabin vaccines were adopted, so formerly gay rights groups have had to find a new market.

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The infrastructue lesbian and gays built to advance rights has become transgender rights oriented.

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