I am convinced that Mary Shelley saw radical feminism coming in a story about biomedical ethics. Like her doctor Frankenstein, the radfems created a monster and then rejected their creation.
"Trans exclusionary radical feminist" suggests the inclusive kind was always there, too. A quiet struggle began in the 1970s and continued quietly until 2014-2015, when the inclusionary monster took over the institutional left in a series of purges unremarked by the western press, comrade.
The lack of knowledge into the history of trans and feminism is disappointing. Two men talking about issues with transideology and after all blaming feminism is just as boring as men talking about rape culture and blaming women. A nunaced well researched approach just as with the research around puberty blockers would have made this worthwile. But then again, the field of expertise was sociology not feminism.. i would recommend helen joyce on the history of trans and the feminists in the 70s that warned in detail about what is happening now with transideology. and research about who pushed the so called sexual revolution in the 70s and the development of the pill (which feminists also opposed).
This is an absolutely brilliant conversation, thank you for this! Will be sharing this as much as I can.
I continue to be just absolutely perplexed and infuriated about what we are doing to our society, especially women and children (https://twoplustwo.substack.com/p/why-are-so-many-children-declaring). Hopefully, this "incredible hacking of our reality sensing system", as you quite aptly put it, will stop soon. It's up to use to stand up for truth.
The division of all species (plants, animals, etc.) into two sexes (sometimes called 'male' and 'female') is roughly 2 billion years old. A few student activists (however fanatical) aren't going to change that.
No, but they are changing laws and social mores and driving women out of their jobs if they don't meet the demands of the trans lobby and do it with a smile.
“Because Gen X are the people whose kids are in school. They're getting older, but also are people who know that Critical Race Theory and radical gender theory are not just made up, right-wing, moral panics. It's happening because it’s happening to their kids.”
As a Gen-Exer myself with two daughters, I can personally attest to this as being fact.
A British cyclist (Bridges) has accused British cycling of 'genocide' for not allowing him to cheat at sports. See "Emily Bridges, trans cyclist, furious at ‘genocidal’ British Cycling after elite racing ban" (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/cycling/2023/05/26/trans-women-banned-from-elite-races-by-british-cycling/). Of course, no racing ban ever happened. He is free to compete in the open category. He is upset, because cheating is his thing.
It's all about violating women's boundaries for these men - denying us privacy, safety, rewards we've worked for, facilities and positions set aside for the benefit of females. Trans Identified Males, on the whole, are deeply misogynistic and advocate violence against women. There have already been young women injured by TIMs allowed to play in girls' sports.
I’m fascinated on the cultural differences. Citing the hatefulness of tweets from trans individuals as being a reason he is thankful for their not being guns in British society, then acknowledging elsewhere at how this ideology has, in many places, the full weight of the state behind it. I see the same tweet, and think Thank God the people have guns here. 5 years ago I would have thought myself insane for thinking that, but 5 years ago I would have thought the existence and necessity of an interview like this was insane.
The UK may have fewer guns, but it has plenty of crazies (much like the US). Ask the greens in Scotland (who still advocate for self-id)., Ask Nicola Sturgeon. The movie 'Adult Human Female' was blocked (twice) by the crazies in Edinburgh.
A certain percentage (very low) of women actually do have penises. Forget all of the transgender BS. I am referring to women with XX chromosomes, ovaries, and uterus's (very conventional women). These women have DSDs (Disorders of Sexual Development). I should also mention CAH in this context. CAH isn't that rare (perhaps 1-2%).
According to the British Medical Journal clinical practice guidelines congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) has an incidence of 1:14 000 to 1:18 000 worldwide.
At birth, CAH is very rare. However, later in life (adolescence) the numbers seem to go up. See https://www.nature.com/articles/gim201746. This source gives a prevalence of non-classic CAH of 0.5%. Note that 0.5% is well below the range I previously gave.
Like I said most of this is based, and I am very angry about what is be doing with kids, sports, and prisons. As long as Wes plays to the dumbest parts of his audience, I will not be paying. Simple as that.
Most of this is based, better than the recording, almost persuades me to renew my subscription. Wes has to refute the line about gender studies being burned by the third reich if he wants me to take him seriously when he says gender ideology just popped up in 2008. Freud is anomalous in a gray area of medicine as well, but we still use him.
This isn’t Wes making statements- if you have difficulty reading there is a video. This is a very esteemed medical professional given their learned opinions. I understand it’s hard to accept that you’ve been duped into supporting such terrible things all the whole thinking this is doing good. You’ll have to tho. What happens when we do gather the data if it’s not supportive? I’ll change my position if there is evidence to prove me wrong. But I have less reason to grip those beliefs tightly as I haven’t supported possibly life ruining surgeries
I'm sorry, but this is a male's misunderstanding of Feminism. Sometimes I think men deliberately misunderstand out of resentment. We never said there were no sex differences, we said that the limitations put on women because of our presumed inferiority in most areas were not valid. Women were forbidden to run marathons at that time because there was a belief females were too weak for such a test of endurance. That was nonsense. It was assumed women were not as smart as men, then once women were given fair access to a University education, they began to out do the men. We said that biology is not destiny, meaning that just because we could have babies, it was wrong to assume that we should have babies and aspire to little else. Feminists wanted women abandoned by husbands to be able to support their kids with a job with equal pay for equal work. Feminists and Lesbians were demonized as wanting to destroy the family, but what we fought against was Patriarchy - the assumption that a man should rule the family and a wife should serve him. The idea that women and children were property. The fact that before the 1970s a woman couldn't even get a credit card in her own name. Now patriarchy is using Queer Theory and Trans Ideology to destroy the hard won rights, services and facilities women managed to build for ourselves. Instead of being deemed inferior, we are now reduced to being an idea in a man's head. Any man can pronounce himself a woman and have the force of law to impose his will on biological women. We built rape clinics because of rape culture - now we're supposed to let biological men cross that boundary into a space where a male presence can trigger a rape victim, adding to her trauma. This is very much about perverted and women-hating men violating women's boundaries built to protect our safety, privacy and dignity. The idea that trans identified males are vulnerable is laughable. They are now regularly brutalizing older women at #LetWomenSpeak and similar events where women gather in public to advocate for our own rights and police in many areas refuse to arrest these assailants. The idea that a young girl should have to get naked in the presence of an intact male, or should have to deal with him flashing his genitals in a locker room is absurd - these are sexual assaults and girls deserve to have a fair opportunity to participate in sports without being violated. Shall we talk about school boys trying to kick open stall doors in mixed sex bathrooms trying to get pictures of girls using the toilets? It's not just about safety, either. Women have a right to separatism, to male-free environs. There's a men's club in New York where no woman has ever been allowed to cross the foyer into the dining room. If women try to create such a space for ourselves, trans identified men have it shut down. Let me be clear - the presence of an adult with a Y chromosome alters the energy in a room of women and that disturbance is no more welcome to us than the presence of women is wanted in that men's club. women need single sex spaces for community and peace as well as safety. Trans identified males bring their male entitlement and male violence with them into our spaces. Just stop.
I am gay and 67 years old and was a fairly effeminate boy....including high school. As example, I preferred being around girls than boys, etc. But I rarely said I wanted to be a woman, maybe once, as a kind of shocking statement. I regretted not being athletic and well-built like alot of the straight guys and was not happy that I was pudgy. But not depressed, or anxious and so on.
So my question: Is Gender Dysphoria largely sissy boys and tomboy girls? And does anyone know of any efforts by the gender people to distinguish between boys who want to transition, as opposed boys who are effeminate but are largely happy with their bodies? Same question with girls.
And herE is the really interesting question: What about masculine boys/males who play video games, football, soccer...but who come out as gay? BTW, a little observation:
It was that from that masculine, eventually gay, male population that you'd get a lot of the gay men who would marry women. If you are masculine and married to a woman, NOBODY need know or suspect. It was only after a few years in the gay world that I slowly begin to see all the masculine, unaffected, unironic, don't give a shit about Bette or Judy gays out there.....WHAT AN EYE OPENER THAT WAS!!!!
Arguing with trans activists about biology is like arguing with Zionists about Palestine, so I'm tired of white whine. David Ben-Gurion was born David Grün. Golda Meir was born Golda Mabovitz. Malcolm Little changed his "slave name" in or around 1950. What's the fucking difference? Our new generation of buppies are annoying; the 1619 Project means that blacks now have a potted history in the NYT that still doesn't quite match the potted history of Jews. Jews now identify with whites, and whites behave as Herzl hoped. "The anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies.” And Bibi's son is now a poster boy for the German right. A Jew defending Christian Europe. How pathetic.
Liberals now love trannies because self-hatred has been redefined, but only for some: flat chested ugly girls are still shit out of luck if they can't afford surgery. And Rachel Dolezal is still white. You idiots can say nothing about this. Any defense of "truth" from you assholes is risible.
"New Florida standards teach students that some Black people benefited from slavery because it taught useful skills"
I am convinced that Mary Shelley saw radical feminism coming in a story about biomedical ethics. Like her doctor Frankenstein, the radfems created a monster and then rejected their creation.
"Trans exclusionary radical feminist" suggests the inclusive kind was always there, too. A quiet struggle began in the 1970s and continued quietly until 2014-2015, when the inclusionary monster took over the institutional left in a series of purges unremarked by the western press, comrade.
The lack of knowledge into the history of trans and feminism is disappointing. Two men talking about issues with transideology and after all blaming feminism is just as boring as men talking about rape culture and blaming women. A nunaced well researched approach just as with the research around puberty blockers would have made this worthwile. But then again, the field of expertise was sociology not feminism.. i would recommend helen joyce on the history of trans and the feminists in the 70s that warned in detail about what is happening now with transideology. and research about who pushed the so called sexual revolution in the 70s and the development of the pill (which feminists also opposed).
This is an absolutely brilliant conversation, thank you for this! Will be sharing this as much as I can.
I continue to be just absolutely perplexed and infuriated about what we are doing to our society, especially women and children (https://twoplustwo.substack.com/p/why-are-so-many-children-declaring). Hopefully, this "incredible hacking of our reality sensing system", as you quite aptly put it, will stop soon. It's up to use to stand up for truth.
The division of all species (plants, animals, etc.) into two sexes (sometimes called 'male' and 'female') is roughly 2 billion years old. A few student activists (however fanatical) aren't going to change that.
No, but they are changing laws and social mores and driving women out of their jobs if they don't meet the demands of the trans lobby and do it with a smile.
“Because Gen X are the people whose kids are in school. They're getting older, but also are people who know that Critical Race Theory and radical gender theory are not just made up, right-wing, moral panics. It's happening because it’s happening to their kids.”
As a Gen-Exer myself with two daughters, I can personally attest to this as being fact.
A British cyclist (Bridges) has accused British cycling of 'genocide' for not allowing him to cheat at sports. See "Emily Bridges, trans cyclist, furious at ‘genocidal’ British Cycling after elite racing ban" (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/cycling/2023/05/26/trans-women-banned-from-elite-races-by-british-cycling/). Of course, no racing ban ever happened. He is free to compete in the open category. He is upset, because cheating is his thing.
It's all about violating women's boundaries for these men - denying us privacy, safety, rewards we've worked for, facilities and positions set aside for the benefit of females. Trans Identified Males, on the whole, are deeply misogynistic and advocate violence against women. There have already been young women injured by TIMs allowed to play in girls' sports.
I’m fascinated on the cultural differences. Citing the hatefulness of tweets from trans individuals as being a reason he is thankful for their not being guns in British society, then acknowledging elsewhere at how this ideology has, in many places, the full weight of the state behind it. I see the same tweet, and think Thank God the people have guns here. 5 years ago I would have thought myself insane for thinking that, but 5 years ago I would have thought the existence and necessity of an interview like this was insane.
The UK may have fewer guns, but it has plenty of crazies (much like the US). Ask the greens in Scotland (who still advocate for self-id)., Ask Nicola Sturgeon. The movie 'Adult Human Female' was blocked (twice) by the crazies in Edinburgh.
A certain percentage (very low) of women actually do have penises. Forget all of the transgender BS. I am referring to women with XX chromosomes, ovaries, and uterus's (very conventional women). These women have DSDs (Disorders of Sexual Development). I should also mention CAH in this context. CAH isn't that rare (perhaps 1-2%).
According to the British Medical Journal clinical practice guidelines congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) has an incidence of 1:14 000 to 1:18 000 worldwide.
At birth, CAH is very rare. However, later in life (adolescence) the numbers seem to go up. See https://www.nature.com/articles/gim201746. This source gives a prevalence of non-classic CAH of 0.5%. Note that 0.5% is well below the range I previously gave.
Wonderful, thank you.
Like I said most of this is based, and I am very angry about what is be doing with kids, sports, and prisons. As long as Wes plays to the dumbest parts of his audience, I will not be paying. Simple as that.
Well, of course he wouldn't; Mr. Biggs is a well-adjusted and mentally healthy person.
Most of this is based, better than the recording, almost persuades me to renew my subscription. Wes has to refute the line about gender studies being burned by the third reich if he wants me to take him seriously when he says gender ideology just popped up in 2008. Freud is anomalous in a gray area of medicine as well, but we still use him.
This isn’t Wes making statements- if you have difficulty reading there is a video. This is a very esteemed medical professional given their learned opinions. I understand it’s hard to accept that you’ve been duped into supporting such terrible things all the whole thinking this is doing good. You’ll have to tho. What happens when we do gather the data if it’s not supportive? I’ll change my position if there is evidence to prove me wrong. But I have less reason to grip those beliefs tightly as I haven’t supported possibly life ruining surgeries
You’re absolutely right, how embarrassing of me that I even left the comment, this is all just cultural Marxism.
Specifically the claims made in videos like this one.
Around 1:42:50
I'm sorry, but this is a male's misunderstanding of Feminism. Sometimes I think men deliberately misunderstand out of resentment. We never said there were no sex differences, we said that the limitations put on women because of our presumed inferiority in most areas were not valid. Women were forbidden to run marathons at that time because there was a belief females were too weak for such a test of endurance. That was nonsense. It was assumed women were not as smart as men, then once women were given fair access to a University education, they began to out do the men. We said that biology is not destiny, meaning that just because we could have babies, it was wrong to assume that we should have babies and aspire to little else. Feminists wanted women abandoned by husbands to be able to support their kids with a job with equal pay for equal work. Feminists and Lesbians were demonized as wanting to destroy the family, but what we fought against was Patriarchy - the assumption that a man should rule the family and a wife should serve him. The idea that women and children were property. The fact that before the 1970s a woman couldn't even get a credit card in her own name. Now patriarchy is using Queer Theory and Trans Ideology to destroy the hard won rights, services and facilities women managed to build for ourselves. Instead of being deemed inferior, we are now reduced to being an idea in a man's head. Any man can pronounce himself a woman and have the force of law to impose his will on biological women. We built rape clinics because of rape culture - now we're supposed to let biological men cross that boundary into a space where a male presence can trigger a rape victim, adding to her trauma. This is very much about perverted and women-hating men violating women's boundaries built to protect our safety, privacy and dignity. The idea that trans identified males are vulnerable is laughable. They are now regularly brutalizing older women at #LetWomenSpeak and similar events where women gather in public to advocate for our own rights and police in many areas refuse to arrest these assailants. The idea that a young girl should have to get naked in the presence of an intact male, or should have to deal with him flashing his genitals in a locker room is absurd - these are sexual assaults and girls deserve to have a fair opportunity to participate in sports without being violated. Shall we talk about school boys trying to kick open stall doors in mixed sex bathrooms trying to get pictures of girls using the toilets? It's not just about safety, either. Women have a right to separatism, to male-free environs. There's a men's club in New York where no woman has ever been allowed to cross the foyer into the dining room. If women try to create such a space for ourselves, trans identified men have it shut down. Let me be clear - the presence of an adult with a Y chromosome alters the energy in a room of women and that disturbance is no more welcome to us than the presence of women is wanted in that men's club. women need single sex spaces for community and peace as well as safety. Trans identified males bring their male entitlement and male violence with them into our spaces. Just stop.
"Gender Dysphoria"
I am gay and 67 years old and was a fairly effeminate boy....including high school. As example, I preferred being around girls than boys, etc. But I rarely said I wanted to be a woman, maybe once, as a kind of shocking statement. I regretted not being athletic and well-built like alot of the straight guys and was not happy that I was pudgy. But not depressed, or anxious and so on.
So my question: Is Gender Dysphoria largely sissy boys and tomboy girls? And does anyone know of any efforts by the gender people to distinguish between boys who want to transition, as opposed boys who are effeminate but are largely happy with their bodies? Same question with girls.
And herE is the really interesting question: What about masculine boys/males who play video games, football, soccer...but who come out as gay? BTW, a little observation:
It was that from that masculine, eventually gay, male population that you'd get a lot of the gay men who would marry women. If you are masculine and married to a woman, NOBODY need know or suspect. It was only after a few years in the gay world that I slowly begin to see all the masculine, unaffected, unironic, don't give a shit about Bette or Judy gays out there.....WHAT AN EYE OPENER THAT WAS!!!!
Arguing with trans activists about biology is like arguing with Zionists about Palestine, so I'm tired of white whine. David Ben-Gurion was born David Grün. Golda Meir was born Golda Mabovitz. Malcolm Little changed his "slave name" in or around 1950. What's the fucking difference? Our new generation of buppies are annoying; the 1619 Project means that blacks now have a potted history in the NYT that still doesn't quite match the potted history of Jews. Jews now identify with whites, and whites behave as Herzl hoped. "The anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies.” And Bibi's son is now a poster boy for the German right. A Jew defending Christian Europe. How pathetic.
Liberals now love trannies because self-hatred has been redefined, but only for some: flat chested ugly girls are still shit out of luck if they can't afford surgery. And Rachel Dolezal is still white. You idiots can say nothing about this. Any defense of "truth" from you assholes is risible.
"New Florida standards teach students that some Black people benefited from slavery because it taught useful skills"