Each time I read another story like this, I think about how the narrative that trans kids (and adults for that matter) are a uniquely vulnerable population, and that unlike virtually any other issue or identity marker, there’s a sense that people need to actively participate in support. Like, if a 13 year old comes out as gay, all anyone feels compelled to do is say, Good for you. If they’re lonely or struggling, maybe suggest a club at school or a therapist, but nothing else.

But with trans kids, it opens up this world of interventions that teachers and counselors and friends and parents are supposed to engage in. I can’t think of any corollary.

And it’s all undertaken under the guise of support and empathy or compassion, like this form of “compassion” is what these kids, uniquely, need.

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This is Munchausen by Proxy on a societal scale.

All these lost souls of the modern world—teachers, bureaucrats, identity Leftists, the Gender zealots—have a desperate need to play savior and in order for that to happen they need a victim to rescue. Gendermania is the virus that sickens the young & impressionable, and the heroic teachers are there to fulfill the rest of the script: telling the poor child that they were "born in the wrong body" LOL, that their parents are enemies who will never understand, but that they feel their pain and can guide and protect them on their Gender Journey™.

These teachers see themselves as a Rosa Parks or as members of the French Resistance helping Jews survive the Nazis. But they are really more like Dr Mengele and deserve to be treated as such.

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They know not what they do, truly. I think the inability of the average person to relate to what these kids are saying is part of what motivates them to “help” so much. They can’t actually empathize, and the narrative from activists is that because they can’t relate they need to shut up and be supportive. This forecloses on any introspection or deeper thought about what it could possibly mean to “feel like” or “be” the opposite sex despite having the body of the other.

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CleverPseudonym, You 100% nailed it.

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hey thanks!

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Great analogy

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JM, Yes, because an entire industry and ideology has been funded underneath every profession that connects to children (media, education, sports, psychology/psychiatry, medicine). It's not by accident.

"Trans kids" are DARPA's (and all its satellites) first step in normalizing transhumanism/cyberhumanism. It will fail. Nobody wants dystopia. "Trans" kids are detransing in great numbers. The monsters who orchestrated this didn't account for, or envision, the teenagers and young people like the amazing detrans activists popping up and speaking out.

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"I pulled her out of school when all this happened. We pulled her out of school, I homeschool her now." - I was gonna say that you need to get her out of that school! You did the right thing. You saved her.

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Kids try on identities. That’s what they do. I think it’s a very important part of growing up.

Given that, I can understand how trans identity became a thing. As I said, children go through this experimentation all the time. What I don’t understand is why schools and doctors are supporting this and are offering permanent solutions to an often temporary issue.  That had to have started somewhere. 

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You've never fought with trans activists before. Their take-no-prisoners and brook-no-resistance tactics make even the stoutest educrats, doctors, and parents quail at the prospect of public charges of transphobia (or worse).

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This has become common in many school districts. This is why you have States like Florida banning this practice.

It is beyond me how anyone takes the option of some 20 something teacher, who has a BA in early childhood education as some sort of an expert in a very rare and complex issue. I believe these teachers are being indoctrinated in this very toxic ideology in the education departments of the universities they attended.

The schools and the Internet are fueling this social contagion. Hopefully, like the Tavistok institute these gender clinic get shut down and the physicians get sued so the madness ends

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To label those kids as lgbtq and to group them or treat them differently from straight children or non lgbtq children is sex discrimination under Title IX. You can file discrimination complaints either with the US Department of Education Office of Civil Rights or with your state non-discrimination agency. For more details please check out my substack on filing complaints when your child is groomed or segregated by sexual orientation, sex, or race. https://justingaffneysamuels.substack.com/p/filing-complaint-against-groomers I could personally help Partners with Ethical Care file discrimination complaints. Please get in touch!

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You'r'e doing really important work, Wesley...and against a tremendous withering gale-force hurricane of a moral panic that casts you as a villain.

Talk about your slings & arrows.

Thanks for standing up against the roaring cataract of well-meaning imbeciles. ;)

It's gotta be horrendously lonely, difficult, & bereft of the kind of positive feedback these kids are getting...it might sound corny, but it's plain fkn heroic to stand up against a tidal force like this, just because you care about what's actually **right**, not what will get you **affirmed.**

Good man.

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Fantastic parent and interview. Thank you, Wesley!

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Does this woman still live in WA? I would consider moving. At some point they won't be content to just let u dissappear.

I can't remember where I saw it, but I remember reading about a Muslim family in the PNW with an autistic kid who were blindsided by a meeting with school officials and cultist medical professionals. The father consulted a lawyer friend of his and he told him to agree with everything at the meeting so they let your kid go home with you, then move out of state. And they did.

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We need to bring all of these narcissists (gender/race/climate) back in line.

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If you look at an image about "intersectionality," the doctrine states that we need to "center the voices of marginalized people." According to a diagram that I saw going around, trans and intersex seem to possess extra privilege by being extra marginal. I am noticing how triggered we are by trying to reconcile the shame of extra marginalized people, and where the communication breaks down.

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So according to the queer theorists, gender is socially constructed. So then they socially construct gender in such a way that some people suffer long-term medicalisation...?

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The transitioners are very much a cult. I see them as no different to the ancient cult of Molech, who took new borns from their parents a burnt them as a sacrifice to gain prosperity.

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CRT is just white guilt packaged in pseudo-academic babble. The reason trans is more central is because we all still feel a certain yuck factor and therefore guilt. Maybe that is the reason for their laser focus on elementary school drag shows. It revolts, and hence more effectively guilt trips the progressives among us.

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My ten year old announced she wanted to change to a boy last fall. Will be switching to middle school next year.

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I'm really sorry. Have you read Abigail Shrier's book Irreversible Damage?

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I've listened to her on YouTube. She's great. I bet that's a great book. Have you seen https://genspect.org/guidance/? I've been sharing the documents and trying to push back on gender ideology at my children's schools.

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Thank you for your efforts on behalf of vulnerable children and their families.

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Another keeper, Sir Wesley. TYTY.

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So many leading questions. Much worse than the opiod crisis? Really?

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I dunno about leading question, but You're part-right.

The thing is that from the POV of the *parents* with a child going through all this, yeah, it *is* worse than the opioid crisis. For one thing, because there's no real yardstick to say *this* trauma is worse than *that* one, right?

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