The moral and political injustices inherent in the modern political Zionist movement and the policies and practices of the political state of Israel built on that movement are not based on recently emergent concepts of "whiteness." The injustices involved are just as obvious and severe without any reference to race or to whether or not Jews, individually or collectively, are "white," whatever that might mean. Raising the issue of "whiteness" in this context, either to condemn or justify Zionism or the State of Israel, is irrelevant and serves only to obscure the true injustices.
It is, in fact, the Arab Muslims who pursue an imperialist project in the Holy Land.
The prophet Muhammad, in fact, never visited Jerusalem — not even in a dream — and the Muslim architecture built literally on top of the destroyed Jewish temple represents an extreme example of what in any other context the woke would call "cultural appropriation".
Though everyone pretends that the Muslim–Jewish conflict is "difficult" to solve, it is, in fact, easy to understand why there is no solution: because Palestinians (and most other Middle Eastern Muslims) do not want a solution. They have proven again and again that they would rather hate and kill Jews than build a functional society. Indeed, regular Palestinians — when not sanitized by a mainstream press that censors any mention of omnipresent Arab antisemitism — regularly admit that they wish for nothing but to die in pursuit of dead Jews and the destruction of Israel.
Because significant portions of several constituencies in the Democratic coalition also have antisemitic attitudes, this basic problem — that Arabs simply implacably hate Jews, which is, again, the whole issue here — never gets mentioned, and "good liberals" decide to just blame the "Zionists".
Jews belong to the Haplogroup J2, which encompasses Greece, Turkey, Israel and western Saudi Arabia. As we all know, there is no such thing as a white race or any race. It is as stupid to say that Jews are nonwhite as it is to say that they are white. They are Levantine.
The moral and political injustices inherent in the modern political Zionist movement and the policies and practices of the political state of Israel built on that movement are not based on recently emergent concepts of "whiteness." The injustices involved are just as obvious and severe without any reference to race or to whether or not Jews, individually or collectively, are "white," whatever that might mean. Raising the issue of "whiteness" in this context, either to condemn or justify Zionism or the State of Israel, is irrelevant and serves only to obscure the true injustices.
It is, in fact, the Arab Muslims who pursue an imperialist project in the Holy Land.
The prophet Muhammad, in fact, never visited Jerusalem — not even in a dream — and the Muslim architecture built literally on top of the destroyed Jewish temple represents an extreme example of what in any other context the woke would call "cultural appropriation".
Though everyone pretends that the Muslim–Jewish conflict is "difficult" to solve, it is, in fact, easy to understand why there is no solution: because Palestinians (and most other Middle Eastern Muslims) do not want a solution. They have proven again and again that they would rather hate and kill Jews than build a functional society. Indeed, regular Palestinians — when not sanitized by a mainstream press that censors any mention of omnipresent Arab antisemitism — regularly admit that they wish for nothing but to die in pursuit of dead Jews and the destruction of Israel.
Because significant portions of several constituencies in the Democratic coalition also have antisemitic attitudes, this basic problem — that Arabs simply implacably hate Jews, which is, again, the whole issue here — never gets mentioned, and "good liberals" decide to just blame the "Zionists".
Jews belong to the Haplogroup J2, which encompasses Greece, Turkey, Israel and western Saudi Arabia. As we all know, there is no such thing as a white race or any race. It is as stupid to say that Jews are nonwhite as it is to say that they are white. They are Levantine.
All well put.