Gratitude to you, Billboard Chris, and these parents for taking a stand. Will be posting about our groomer kangaroo courts tomorrow. This is a spiritual war between demonic possession and God.

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Billboard Chris is impressive as a reminder of the sort of men who lived in my grandparent's generation. Such a man has become a startling presence to me.

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Thanks Wesley, for sharing both the video and this transcript from this brave mother for all of your subscribers! Her stance is clear. Her compassion is rare and beautiful. It's amazing she has room in her heart for understanding that those yelling curses at her are "coming from a place of fear." I do understand the rage parents feel, of course. I understand the depression, the anxiety, and the loneliness. There is so much betrayal by so many, and so little support for parents who don't buy the "affirmation" approach. But the calm and clear voices like hers and Billboard Chris's shine through like rays of sunshine. I know that so many parents cannot risk their livelihood. But every single person who stands up publicly makes a difference.

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Most people see through this nonsense. But they've been effectively cowed by the histrionic claims and emotional manipulation of the TRAs, some of whom are their own children or their children's friends.

I like staying close to the ground and talking to people one-on-one, and stay away from social media. Like the brave and fierce Billboard Chris, who was my inspiration, more than 90% of the friends, colleagues, and random acquaintances with whom I discuss trans issues are on the side of protecting kids and women's spaces, prisons, and sports. Many of us have trans-ID'd kids, and many of us are the parents of desisters or detransitioners. Most people are open to hearing about our experiences, and most are reassured that they're not the only ones who have been asking WTF???

The parents I both pity and fear the most are the ones who supported their children into medical and surgical transition. I can't imagine how difficult it would be to accept that one has enabled medical self-harm. This is why I fear them: they will stop at nothing in order to remain blind and in denial of what they have done.

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We are awash in false-guilt and its public administration, and can find neither self-examination, genuine contrition, nor grace. You are correct: even God Himself, when he asked "What have you done," received lies and excuses.

Only the abject misery of the enabled children has any hope of blunting the self-justification of weak and conformist parents who have been the ruin of their own children.

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Some day, maybe next year, maybe in a hundred years, people will ask how it came to be that liberals in 2018-22 came to despise their own chidren to such a degree that they would do obvious and grotesque harm to them in order to curry favor with Twitter bots, even deluding themselves that te obvious harm they were inflicting was actually doing good.

Not only the trans atrocities, but the COVID lockdowns that kept kids out of school and socializing far beyond the very few months when such fears had not yet been disproven, and then injecting them with experimental drugs of a unique and unproven technology despite plentiful evidence they were at negligible risk from the disease.

Not unlike how in the late 1940s and 1950s people puzzled over how the civilized Germans came to do what they did under the Nazis.

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This will undoubtedly be the biggest scandal in the history of Western civilization. I wish I was optimistic that the key perpetrators would pay for their greed and gross negligence. Past experience suggests that the families impacted will bear the entire cost and will be blamed for it too.

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What an amazing woman.

God bless her and her daughter.

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You are absolutely correct that this woman is a profile in courage. You can tell that she loves her daughter and wants what is best for her.

Unfortunately, I'm left a bit confused by her remarks. If this is a social contagion as she states, why isn't she treating the root of the problem? It's absolutely wonderful that she's getting the support she needs at home but I fear that may not be enough, especially when parental authority is given only marginally more respect and deference by woke gender ideologues than by the Khmer Rouge. Why does she continue to involve her child in institutions that threatening her with a lifetime of unhappiness, infertility, and misunderstanding around notions of gender and sex? The most courageous examples of parenthood are those who are willing to give up everything when something like this threatens their child (see the example of Ahmed, a Pakistani immigrant described here: https://www.city-journal.org/transgender-identifying-adolescents-threats-to-parental-rights). Making such a drastic change is obviously very costly in a myriad of ways. But is your child simply a friend you will make a modest effort to steer in the right path, or someone whose well-being informs every choice you make?

Am I advocating for her to tie her daughter to a bed and live in the woods as some sort of fundamentalist hermit until her daughter's gender dysphoria is resolved? Obviously not. But as a parent, if one of my children ever expressed a struggle with gender identity I would rather live in a one-bedroom apartment in a conservative-leaning state/community that reinforced my values than a comfortable middle-class lifestyle in Massachusetts where my child is spoon-fed progressive gender ideology by nearly every authority figure the second they step outside my door.

I sincerely wish that wasn't the choice, but I believe it is more often than parents are willing to admit.

And if she ever decides to move to Southeast Idaho, we'll welcome her with open arms.

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"Twilight Zone unreality." Yes - exactly so: reality is reaching the not-subtle ironies of that show, and more than a few episodes come to mind. The descriptor worked when I read it - I felt a moment of disorientation.

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One of the happiest and most exciting memories I have is when I started menstruating at age 12. Having already hit puberty, I was so proud of my budding body and starting my period proved to me that I was becoming a woman - a grownup! I still vividly remember that morning. A group of girls on our long block walked to school every morning. My house was the last on the block; knock, knock, I swung open the door and bursting at the seams, I announced: "I started my period!" It was a badge of honor to become a woman. I feel so sorry for young girls in this confused environment and so sad that becoming a woman now seems to be shrouded in shame for so many young girls and women.

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I felt so pleased and proud when I found out my youngest grandchild got his Covid shot. I truly appreciate all of those who have done so. I see little relationship between getting an mRNA shot, which continues to protect our most vulnerable, and this activist – led travesty.

As well, there is so much pressure on parents nowadays, that I cannot truly understand. Social media has brought social pressure and children have always wanted to please and to conform. I just want to support the parents standing against this medical self harm. I feel sure that you are right and one day we will look back to this injury of our children in complete befuddlement. God bless and protect those men and women standing up against abuse – – because that’s what these unnecessary medical interventions are, abuse. 

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One wonders where these protesters come from, and how they have so much spare time.

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This hysteria is out there with “grooming” etc., except it is being done from a position of power by school systems, social workers. Amazing what this country has turn into, but like Wesley has mentioned it is bound to stop. This is really an “only in America” thing.

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No. Sadly it's happening throughout the world, especially in wealthier countries. After all, the internet which enables this social contagion is everywhere.everywhere

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You kinda shot right past something that I think would have merited fleshing out:

"...It was during COVID, the same as everyone..."

Has anyone ever plotted the spike(s) in sudden fascination with trans-ing against the lockdows & social-isolation measures?

The obvious "everyone" here would be the parents banded together to protest, & I think she's telling us matter-of-factly if anecdotally that in their direct experience there's something too obvious to even mention that all expert-&-social-justice hubbub has never had anything to about at *all*.

It woulda made me curious.

HAS made me curious. ;)

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