"I got on the case. I saw the documents. I saw the internal Harvard reports where it shows that they knew they were discriminating against Asians from the get go. “
Adam Mortara on SFFA vs Harvard University and the End of Racial Preferences in College Admissions
For the visual learners in the Year Zero audience, we have a video version of yesterday’s podcast.
“So Will calls me in April 2018. And he says, ‘we're gonna have to try this case, my firm hasn't really tried any cases…And I need help. I don't know what to do. We’ve got these big firm lawyers on the other side, and the case is gonna go to trial. “
"And I said, ‘Well, let me give you some names as to people that might help.’ I didn't volunteer myself. And he called me back two weeks later — it's like the Dick Cheney, Vice Presidential search for George W. Bush. And he says, ‘I think the person that really should try this case for me is you.’”
“And I, I just said, ‘I don't know. This not what I do. I try high stakes patent cases. I don't want to go down in history as the guy who killed affirmative action.’ I actually said that to him. “
“And he said, ‘get on the case, just get on the protective order, so that you can see confidential documents…I will come to Chicago, I'll show you this stuff. And you will agree this is gonna be the most important thing you've ever done.’”
“And I did. I trusted him. I got on the case. I saw the documents. I saw the internal Harvard reports where it shows that they knew they were discriminating against Asians from the get go.”
“And I walked out of the conference room — now I’m getting emotional, because I’m misting up to my firm's General Counsel — saying, “We have to do this. We have to do it.’”
The "left" took over the "cultural apparatus"; the "right" took over the courts: note that both have undermined women's rights. The "right" have undermined access to abortion; the "left" has undermined women's sexed based rights to the extent that women's sports are in jeopardy.
Women fundamentally experience life differently, still obviously are the ones who get pregnant and incur short and long term health consequences due to pregnancy and birth, and still carry the greater burden of childcare for young children. Women have also been objectified to a greater degree than men due to widespread hardcore pornography. Women make up the majority of human sex trafficking victims.
Yet, neither the left nor the right have advocated on behalf of women's right to maternity and parental leave and employment/education protections.
We're talking about half the human population.
The discussion around race is important, but the wholescale abandonment of biological sex as a reality by both the right and the left, and the reality that women encounter life differently due to this, leaves half of America completely abandoned in terms of a meaningful effort to address education, employment rights, right to bodily integrity, the right to sports competition with other women and the right to a reasonable level of safety.
Young women today are depressed and alienated at an unprecedented level. Meanwhile, the "left" and the "right" continue talking over their heads and both seem hopelessly out of touch with the reality of women's lives.
The woke don't feel bound by a court they label fascist. They will press on. By tilting the admissions scale, and then upmarking their favorite races, it'll be easy to judge skill by skin color in the end of this process. Woke stupidity knows no bounds.